Dear 2020 Members,
The World Health Organisation has now characterised the coronavirus (COVID-19) as a pandemic. You would be aware that media outlets, Governments and Health organisations across the world have been providing up to the minute information and advice to the general public, some of which are listed for reference below.
Authorities are beginning to postpone or close down many “mass gatherings” of people. There will be a sensible and balanced approach to the conduct or otherwise for any smaller gatherings which will be addressed on a case by case basis by the Club. Specifically looking at the demographic of the patrons, the number of attendees, the type of activity involved etc.
Willunga Football Club are guided by the GSFL, who are in turn advised by the SANFL and appropriate governing bodies regarding adjusted match programming and future club operations for the 2020 season.
Their decisions and recommendations that we will be undertaking are as follows:
All official club trainings, trial games, social functions and 2020 season matches will be postponed until May 31st.
On May 31st, the Head of Community Football, under advisement of Government medical advice, will conduct a review to determine whether further cancellations, postponements or clearances to resume football related activities will be actioned.
The GSFL is proposing that regular season matches will commence on the 20th June, (Men’s & Colts) and a 9 round 2020 competition plus finals will be held.
The Women’s season, (including 16’s & 13’s) will be postponed until June 21st with a proposal that a further 6 games will be played which allows a for 7 round 2020 season plus finals to be completed.
These are unprecedented times and the WFC Committee is working towards the 2020 season taking place in albeit an adjusted format. We are continuing regular club operations around sponsorship and fundraising to fully complete our new changerooms. We thank all of the volunteers and financial contributors for their generous time and money thus far but we still require assistance to finish this monumental and necessary operating improvement.
Willunga Football Club have also provided recommendations below for our Members to consider and adopt, thereby mitigating the contraction and spread of the virus to paid and unpaid staff, members and the community. The coronavirus is spread from person to person through:
Direct close contact with a person while they are infected
Close contact with a person with a confirmed infection who coughs or sneezes
Touching objects or surfaces (such as door handles or tables) contaminated from a cough or sneeze from a person with a confirmed infection, and then touching your mouth or face
The spread of coronavirus can be prevented by practising good hand and sneeze/cough hygiene by:
Washing your hands frequently with soap and water, before and after eating, and after going to the toilet
Covering your cough and sneeze, dispose of tissues, and use alcohol based sanitiser
And if unwell, avoid contact with others (stay more than 1.5 metres from people)
Anyone returning from overseas in the past 14 days, should not be attending Willunga Football Club in any capacity until the 14 day period has elapsed. Obviously similar action applies to recently returned patrons or anyone who is experiencing flu-like symptoms.
Any further updates will be passed on to you immediately. We as a committee will err on the side of caution, with the health and safety of our members and patrons at the fore-front when making these and future decisions.
As the virus and potential implications are changing constantly, further information can be found here.
Kind Regards,
Willunga Football Club Committee - 2020